Pastor Father Martin J. Gillespie - 228-354-7900 - [email protected]
Emergencies 228-392-1999/228-363-9283
Pastoral Assoc. Deacon
Al Stockert 228-731-2747
Admin. Assist.
Marcie Kearns 228-392-1999
Bulletin Editor
Teresa Dubaz 228-392-1999
RCIA Coordinator
Father Gillespie 228-354-7900
Religious Education Director
Brandy Kopszywa 228-860-4160
Pastoral Council
Tim McCarty. 713-254-1188
Homebound Ministries
Johnathan Caddell 228-365-5562
Finance Council
Allan Marel 601-270-9991
Knights of Columbus
Philip Worland 601-527-5144
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Charlotte Randazzo 228-860-4252
Order of Alhambra
Jim Rigby 228-435-5665